Beer Advent Day 13: Günzburger Rad-Weizen
The Beer Advent takes us to Bavarian Swabia today. We visited the Radbrauerei brewery in Günzburg and brought home a - yes, what? A really fine wheat beer!
Specialist for wheat beer
Georg L. Bucher is the brewer of the Radbrauerei in Günzburg. His great-great-great-grandfather already knew how to brew beer. It was a long time ago. In the 1950s, Georg's grandparents decided to specialize in top-fermented brewing. They brewed one of the first wheat beers in the region and gradually became a wheat beer brewery.
Success proved the Buchers right. The brewery grew, was bursting at the seams and moved out of the city in the 1980s. New buildings and modern technology ensured the continued existence of the brewery. The traditional bottle fermentation for the wheat beers is still used today.
No longer just wheat beer
Meanwhile, there have been changes to the range. Since 2017, bottom-fermented beers have also been available from the Radbrauerei. The brewery followed the trend of the times, creating two new lager beers and naming them after their grandparents: Rosa's Märzen Spezial and Georg's Helles. A cellar-cloudy festival beer soon followed: Rosa's Fest-Märzen, which is only available in the winter months.
Günzburger Rad-Weizen
The brewer Georg Bucher swears by his own yeast strain for all wheat beers. The Günzburger pure yeast gives the Rad-Weizen the fruity aroma typical of the style, which reminds us of banana. The two master brewers Ralf Sittig and Georg Lenzer also rely on traditional bottle fermentation, even though this requires a considerable amount of time and space. The bottles have to be stored in a well-tempered room for several weeks. This ensures a particularly fine sparkle and also allows the aroma of the fresh yeast to develop optimally.
